Chance Theater Blog

Meet Katie Brown (Nessie)Katie-Brown

Why do you think the world has been so fascinated with the legend of Nessie?
I think the world wants something to believe in, whatever that may be; and the possibility of Nessie is both exciting and scary! As kids we are encouraged to use our imaginations and believe in the realm of possibilities, yet as we get older the world tends to squash our imagination and ridicule those who hold on to that belief in the seemingly impossible. I think the legend of Nessie is one of those “maybe”s that excite and scare us and keeps that belief in the magic of the world alive.

What is it like to work on a world premiere musical?
It’s exciting and terrifying to be working on something no one has ever done before. It is a vortex of emotions and energy. It’s also one of the most amazing collaborative experiences you’ll ever experience. It is a privilege to work with such a talented group of artists. I am absolutely loving every minute of it.

What mysteries or legends captivate your imagination?
The idea of legends and mysteries captivates my imagination. I tend to like the positive ones versus the scary negative ones, but I love the possibilities they hold. What kid, or secretly, what adult, doesn’t love the idea of looking for magical creatures on a walk in the woods, or looking out over the ocean hoping to catch a glimpse of that unknown wonder. We all want to believe in the maybe, we only need to give ourselves permission to do just that.

What’s the biggest challenge for you in this production?
The biggest challenge for me in this production has been pacing myself and being honest with how my body feels throughout this process. The puppetry is very physical and being the recovering perfectionist that I am it’s tough for me to admit when something is difficult or when I need to take a break. It seems to be a life lesson for me right now, but one I think we all have to learn at some point.

What do you connect to in this story?
I connect with so much in this story, some of which I can’t say without giving things away. So I will say this, I connect with the belief in life’s possibilities and the difficulties of growing up and dealing with all that life throws at you.

What excites you about this story and why should people come see it?
Most everything excites me about this story! I think it’s one that everyone can relate to in some shape or form and I love that it’s something families can experience together, and hopefully, discuss afterwards. I love that it gives us a chance to believe in the many maybes of the world and also encourages us to believe in each other as much as we believe in the maybes. People should come see this show because it’s a great story to share with your family and friends and because it’s a great show!! Obviously I’m biased, but, “ehts trroo!!”

One Response to “Meet LOCH NESS actor Katie Brown”

  1. Lee

    You are a most amazing person and I am very proud of you


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