A Company of Wayward Saints
Sometimes truth is found in a world of make-believe… Join us for A Company of Wayward Saints.
The Company is a commedia dell arte group who wander by mistake into the eye of an allegory. They are humanity, wayward sainta all, who are far from home and without means. A nobleman may be their salvation if they can put on a good show for him. The Company chooses to present the history of man, from the Garden of Eden through Everyman in birth, adolescence, marriage, and death. It is a fine mosaic of life redeemed by humor and human understanding.
“The first part is amusing slapstick entertainment… [The second makes] a point about how pride [and] arrogance destroy colective efforts.
– Hollywood Reporter
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Venue Bette Aitken theater arts Center

- Full-Service Bar
- Free Parking
- Conveniently Located
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