Highlights from StageSceneLA’s review of Tiny Beautiful Things
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“empathetic, profound, deeply moving”
“the most heartstrings-tugging show in town.”
“Director Katie Chidester keeps Strayed’s letter writers on stage in her suburban home throughout the play’s 80-minute running time, whether reclining on the sofa, plopped on a chair, or helping themselves to a drink or snack from her well-stocked kitchen, thereby allowing the trio to become not just advice-seekers but observer/listeners as well.”
“Chidester’s approach (performed on scenic designer Kristin Campbell Coyne’s gorgeous-to-look-at, authentically lived-in living room/kitchen set) transcends the script’s Q&A format to become something as theatrical as it is transformative.”
“Leading lady Saverino follows her Scenie-winning lead performance in Chance Theater’s Cry It Out with the most radiant of star turns, investing Sugar with so much compassion, wisdom, and depth that the cumulative effect of all three is downright stunning.”
“Longtime Chance favorites Lamer and Richardson and charismatic young newcomer Mistry create one indelible character after another”
“Jordan “LJ” Curiel’s striking lighting design features a back-lit moment that left me breathless.”
“Live theater doesn’t get more compelling or inspirational than this.”
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