The Show Report says Tick, Tick… Boom! is a “mind-blowing production”!
“Luc Clopton plays Jon, the singer-songwriter, and, as he energetically gambols, emotes, and is always in motion with complexity as he bounces within the walls of his own mind, you feel he could break any moment.”
“an endearingly complex interweave of flashbacks and fantasies.”
“a very lively tale”
“an enticing, heartwarming, and ferocious sincerity”
“Director H. Adam Harris (“Heritage”) displays a keen eye for the telling detail and endows the three-hander with a casually elaborate structure.”
“In a show that exudes intimacy, physicality, time in motion, Director Harris and his able crew of collaborators are pulled naturally along by the performers, spotlighting Larson’s genius by letting it unfold onstage, while the audience witnesses it blossom.”
“The songs are melodic and instantly appealing, blending pop-rock orchestrations with classic musical theater structures”
“The throbbing vibrato in Mr. Clopton’s voice is just right for the ardent songs expressing frustration and dimming hopes, complemented by strong, engaging performer singers, Ms. Ceja and Mr. Houle.”
“Perhaps funniest of all is a country-inflected patter duet for Jon and Susan fighting about whether or not they should stay together (“Therapy”). As tempers flare and subside, Ms. Ceja and Mr. Clopton’s performances become much more animated.”
“You couldn’t ask for a more appealing interpreter of youthful angst than Luc Clopton, who makes the required neurotic hand-wringing surprisingly winsome. His big eyes have a recurring deer-in-the-headlights glaze, and he narrates the story with a pleasing, funny mixture of sheepishness and urgency, turning whining into a multifaceted art.”
Read the latest review of Tick, Tick… Boom! from The Show Report HERE.
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