Read full article | Buy Tickets | More about 'Cry It Out'“Metzler’s inspiration for writing the play came when she began her own motherhood journey and moved from Brooklyn to Port Washington, N.Y., when pregnant so her husband could take a teaching job. Seemingly overnight her world went from the hustle and bustle of a busy playwright in the city to being isolated with a newborn in winter desperate for a mom friend..”
“Director Elina de Santos fell in love with the play because the most important job she’s had in her life was raising her children.”
“the play ‘touches on these quiet struggles” of parenthood “which in a lot of ways were heightened during the pandemic when parents across the country lost access to childcare.’ ”
“It’s such an economic change when you become a mother,” she (Metzler) said. “People don’t talk about it. We are not honest about it. We don’t take care of new parents in this country. We don’t have maternity leave policies. I was stunned by how unfair that was.”
“Metzler, Saverino, and de Santos all believe this play is meant for everyone and should not be labeled as a show just for women.”
“It’s a very funny show,” she says. “It touches on a lot of important issues about parenthood. People will love these characters and relate to all four of them in different ways. I hope most importantly people walk away with a little more empathy and compassion for any parent or parent to be out there who is struggling.”
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