Join Anaheim’s resident theater and you’ll be giving back to the community, making new friends, and helping to bring award-winning theater to life!
Volunteers and community support are the heartbeat of the Chance. It is with the help and dedication of people like you that we can continue to thrive and create innovative, bold, and thought-provoking theater (and that’s just onstage, you should see what we do behind-the-scenes).
Chances to lend a hand at the Chance are available year-round and we’d love for you to join our Volunteer Team! Volunteers perform many integral jobs in theater — ushering, building sets, painting, sewing, administrative help, special projects, and much more.
Did you know that volunteering is the easiest way to see Chance’s award-winning shows… for FREE?
► Be an Usher
Fill out the Volunteer Form to get started
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Email: Ushers@chancetheater.com and let us know!
Ushered before? Sign up for a slot here → Usher Sign Up
► Join our LIST
Fill out the Volunteer Form to get emails on all future volunteer opportunities.
Be sure to ask staff for your Preferred Volunteer Card after you’ve volunteered at least twice. Rewards cards are good for one year from the initial stamp.
This card will earn you the following:
- Chance T-Shirt
- Name Tag
- Starter Membership (1 yr)
► Support us BACKSTAGE in our production departments.
Did you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes to get a show ready for audiences? You can be part of the magic as one of our beautiful sets comes together and transforms from design to reality.
Sign-up using our Production Volunteer Form. Volunteer to support the production departments at the Chance. All skill levels welcome.
► Support our DIRECTORS & DESIGNERS and volunteer as an assistant.
Gain valuable on the job experience assisting talented local artists. Volunteering to assist a director or designer gives you an opportunity to learn firsthand an individual director’s or designer’s process and the production process as a whole. As an assistant to the Director you’ll attend many if not all of the rehearsals. Rehearsals typically go for 4-6 weeks, 4-7 days a week, depending on the show and the Director. Specific duties and tasks will be decided based on the abilities of the assistant and the needs of the show.
Sign-up using our Open Positions Form. Please indicate which department you would like to assist (Direction, Scenic, Costume, Lighting, or Sound).
Contact us with your questions about volunteering.
Please use our Contact Us Form.