Michael Quintos with Broadway World says that Ride the Cyclone is a “MUST-SEE”
Read full article | » Buy Tickets | » More Info“Funny and Surprisingly Thoughtful RIDE THE CYCLONE Thrills at OC’s Chance Theater”
“An appealing, zany surprise from start to finish, this fresh, angst-filled musical comedy is as hilarious as it is poignant.”
“engagingly thoughtful yet still darkly funny”
“A kooky yet surprisingly poignant thrill ride, RIDE THE CYCLONE is not the expected moody or macabre musical about death, but, rather, an amusing, really zany show that basks in its delightful eccentricity, while also walloping us with all the feels as it cleverly peels away its characters’ more harrowing layers.”
“this must-see, wonderfully odd, yet endearingly touching”
“a thoughtfully bonkers hybrid of John Hughes’ The Breakfast Club and Frank Capra’s It’s A Wonderful Life, with room for a dollop of Tim Burton-esque quirkiness.”
“chutzpah, gravitas, and outlandishness of a highly-seasoned comedy improv troupe made up of very emotional teenagers blessed with undeniable hyperbolic flair.
vibrant and intriguing”“the talented, very likable, highly photogenic cast is guaranteed to win you over.”
“uniformly excellent together as an ensemble”
“Showstopping showman Noel Gruber (terrific scene-stealer Wyatt Hatfield, who, I swear, looks like the spitting image of Stranger Things’ Noah Shnapp)”
“Gruber’s moment in the show is a sensational production number—using the amazing moves of choreographer Miguel Cardenas—that is one of many highlights throughout the show.”
“one entertaining number at a time.”
“superb, enjoyably eclectic, and swiftly-paced”
“a creative and talent explosion,”
“There’s not a single lull throughout its intermission-less run, which makes for such a fun watch.
vibrantly lit by Masako Tobaru”“dazzling video/animated projections by Nick Santiago”
“The cleverly appointed asymmetric set—itself seeming like a living, breathing (though undead) entity just like the actors—really fits the storytelling and vibe of the show, and is quite an inventive use of this stage’s compact footprint.”
“Chance Theater’s RIDE THE CYCLONE is an entertaining show with a fresh, kooky perspective. Despite its silliness and oddball storytelling, the show does manage to somehow be impactful, too. It was a truly delightful surprise.”
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