Broadway World interviews Jocelyn A. Brown, director of Ride the Cyclone
Read full article | » Buy Tickets | » More Info“This cast possesses a phenomenal amount of talent and had synergy from the get-go. They were each asked for photo samples of themselves as children (as you’ll see are needed in the projection design) and it was amazing to see how their own childhood faces, activities, and poses fit their on-stage characters so well!”
“I am very fortunate to have some of the best designers around”
“RIDE THE CYCLONE’s fantastical setting allowed our team to stretch our creative muscles and have so much fun incorporating exaggeration and distortion in the design elements to create our unsettling carnival-like purgatory. In many plays and musicals, some design elements best serve the story by being purposely subtle, mostly providing an atmosphere. This show, however, calls for various design elements to take center stage in the storytelling. A few examples of this would be how essential Rebecca Kessin’s sound effects are in creating the traveling fairground and game show-like dynamics, how integral Nick Santiago’s projections propel each fantasy sequence, and how Bradley Allen Lock’s costumes evolve during the show revealing the inner life of these teenagers.”
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